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Bacteria Dye 


Is Bacteria The New Fashion

Is bacteria the new pigment of fashion? Bacteria has been the new talk in the fashion industry as being a future sustainable way to dye apparel. Reducing the need for toxic chemicals, bacteria is being used to create a natural dye. The bacteria dye showcases how bacteria can be used to dye textiles using a sustainable method, which leads to results of rich and bright colours that can fully match the synoptic colours we are familiar with.

The method of using bacteria dye relies on water, and not on toxic chemicals. In turn, this reduces the impact on the the environment, and at the same time helps in upscaling for industrial production. We can see how the fashion industry will be using bacteria dye in the future, as it was reported in 2017 that the fashion industry produced toxic chemicals that could fill 32 million olympic-sized swimming pools. Roughly around 17% of industrial water pollution has been caused by dyeing of apparel.

Now the fashion industry wants to make a change, after all the problems they have caused. What’s better than using bacteria which in the long run will be a new trend and the answer to all their problems?

Research has shown that the new way of applying dyes to fabric are more effective and environmentally beneficial. The soil-growing bacteria called streptomyces coelicolor can act as a fabric dye which Natsai Aurey Chieza uses in her designs. Research conducted between designers and biologists shows the potential for the organic world to provide solutions to our wasteful ways of living.

Bacteria dye has been shown and proven as a sustainable material and a trend that can help to save the fashion industry. As a result of scientific research, the fashion industry can change for the better.

It is believed that in the future a large proportion, if not all, of apparel dyeing will be based on these biological principles. This will see an increase in the production of bio-based products and an exploration of new raw materials, using plants and micro-organisms.

Bacterial Dye (2020)

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